The last clinic day was also a holiday - Halloween. Not my favorite holiday, and clinic is not my favorite way to spend a Monday (or any) morning. I am glad though we don't have to do the spinal injections for awhile. Adam is back on the vincristine (chemo) and a yellow chemo that takes 10 minutes to inject. Starts with an m... Hmmm, will have to get back to you on that one.
Clinic went pretty smoothly. Adam played Angry Birds most of the time. We headed home and I had enough time to go to school for 1/2 a day. Then we headed to Uncle Jason's house for Trick or Treating. This is always an interesting experience because Adam hates costumes, but usually when there is candy to be collected, we can convince him. This time, there wasn't much hassle about it. He was Spiderman (with a nice, protective mask and gloves)! Rachel was Aurora aka Sleeping Beauty. Everyone had a blast. My way of harassing trick or treaters was to make them guess how many seeds were in the pumpkin before they "earned" their candy proceeded by a reminder to study their multiplication tables. Best costume of the night: a very creative Mad Hatter with impeccable make up. It was fun as much as I grumble.