Thursday, September 13, 2012

9/13/12 - Cancer-Free Anniversar-ee

I just want to report that Adam has been officially cancer-free for a year as of yesterday!  He went to clinic onTuesday for his monthly treatment, and he continues to do well.

Kindergarten is awesome for Adam. He loves going to school, loves his (awesome) teacher, and is learning how to make/be a friend. It has been a smooth transition for him, but a crazy one for the parents. What a whole new world now that so many other kids are involved! And all of a sudden Adam eats a lot, again. This time, not medically induced :)

I would also like to mention that Rachel had her first public performance at the Castro Valley fall festival this past Sunday. 14 Minnie Mouses from the 3-4 year old dance class performed on stage for the first time.  There were curlers involved, gel, and safety pins. It was a big success. And she happens to be the most beautiful 4 year old dancer of the group (not biased at


And Adam held an iguana...