Happy 8th Wedding Anniversary! I was planning something special… Well, does actually cooking for once count? Maybe let Josh pick the TV show instead of me stopping the world for “So You Think You Can Dance?” I thought that was pretty special…
EERRRTTT! (think screeching tires) Here comes Clare and Erin, I just got done with 5th period and it's lunch time, day 2 of school. I was on my way out the door, but they look harmless, they have Athletic PE forms for me to sign. But Clare says that I need to call my husband ASAP, Mr. Hendren just sent them over. Ummmm, ominous. Ok. But let me sign your forms first…
Calling Josh. He's going to Children’s Hospital in Oakland. Ok. Guess Adam needs a blood test. Well, I only have one more class and then a prep, so I can leave at 2. I’ll meet him over there. Adam has been tired lately and super pale! At Back to School Night he didn’t want the bounce house or face painting, just to sit on the ground by the basketball pole and watch the band. Well, I couldn’t blame him, they rock! But then on Tuesday grandma takes the kiddos to the park and he doesn’t want to play, just to be held. Ok. Something is wrong here…
So, Dr. Ross sends Adam for a blood test. Results are not good, and he needs to go to Children’s Hospital for another. What is the worst it could be? That funny hip virus from the summer is probably still there. No worries.
So, I am a little scared. Ok, I was more on the verge of freak. But I have a class to teach, and then I will make it over, right? Nope! Mr. Huemoeller sends me on my way and makes me feel like a crazy person for even thinking I would stay another minute! Not before the ultimate calmer in the world (Mrs. Kidwell) joins us for a quick prayer so I can actually drive like a sane person to Oakland.
Apparently we are going to be residents. Funny thing, I thought we were checking in with the coolest nurse in the hospital. She says there are some exceptions that can be made in her wing and so forth. Come to find out, we’re on the floor where kids stay awhile… Oh, that’s why…
So, Josh and I decide to trade off (only one parent can stay per night). We don’t know what’s wrong, but it must be something serious, and we need to plan to stay for a few days. He is staying tonight, I am going home. I need to be with my baby girl anyway. She probably doesn’t even know anything is wrong, and I’m not going to that empty house alone!
And as I turn onto Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, the tornado of emotions erupts. I called Jill because I needed someone to hear whether I got home safely or not, but I really verbalized all my immediate thoughts at that time. She could probably tell you better but it went something like this (all in one breath, of course): “There is something wrong with my son! What did I do wrong? Why my perfectly calm, cautious, easy going, innocent angel baby? Did I not take care of the gift God gave me? Is there something wrong with me that I passed on? Oh my God, please help me! It’s not fair!” Imagine getting that phone call. Sorry Jill.
I just came across your blog as I have asked to friend you on Facebook. I am so sorry to hear this news about Adam. My heart goes out to you with all you and your family have been through. I plan to read your posts from here all the way until I am updated. I believe Adam is home now, according to what I have seen on Facebook, and I hope and pray that he is truly doing well. Sending hugs, love and more hugs to you...Cheryl