My friend, Jill, sent me a link I have to share. Please pay special attention to 3:57 and on. I am not trying to convince you to listen to country music (although it is highly recommended). This is just SO much of what we are experiencing. By the way, did you know September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month? Heard it on the radio - Ironic! As I was saying... Sheryl Crow: "When you're diagnosed with cancer, everyone around you is diagnosed as well." Another speaker in the video: "You know people love you in your life, but you don't know how much until you get sick." God and angels right here with us. I hope I can pass the same love and support that we're getting to someone else. I am also thinking it would be fun to do the lanterns on the beach :) I dare you not to get teary-eyed!
It reminds me of my motto the last few days: Earth is training ground for heaven.

In this training ground, we gather of experiences, both easy and difficult, on a daily basis. We learn from these experiences, and ultimately make better, sounder, judgments on how to deal with life in the future. I daresay, the ultimate
thing we acquire in this training ground is love. It is the one aspect of man that makes us most like God – or at least we have the ability to love like He does. Jesus calls us to in John 13:34
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 1 Corinthians 2:9 also comes to mind,
No eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, nor has it entered the heart of Man, the good things the Lord has prepared for those who love Him. In our heart of hearts we desire this love that will be perfect in heaven. And there is only one way to get it - through Jesus:
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Got Jesus?
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