Saturday, October 22, 2011

10/22/11 Lucky Number Three

Adam's clinic yesterday was the beginning of Phase Three.  Doctors continue to report good news.  Phase three is called "interim maintenance" (maintenance is the phase Adam will be in after March for the rest of his therapy, and the time where life goes back to "normal."  You know, like tee ball, eating out, and Sunday School :).  Therefore, it should be another easy month!  He no longer needs to take chemo at home.  The only pills are the Bacterim which are only on the weekends to prevent pneumonia.  His injection yesterday was through the metaport, so no more lumbar punctures for a couple months!  Very relieved to get a break from that.  And clinic appts went from every 7 days to every 10.  So, all around, the load is lightening until December.  Unfortunately, we go back to intensification right around Christmastime, but we'll worry about that when we get there (Matt 6, once again).

A little worried about flu season approaching.  Josh has already gotten his flu shot.  Rachel and I get ours in a week.  As I type, we are at cousin Andrew's 5th birthday party!  Happy "Cinco de Cumpleanos" to my nephew, Andrew (I made that one up)...  I am concerned about the finger food, popcorn maker, and all the kids sweating in the bouncer, but he is happy, so we'll wash hands 100 times today, and hope for the best!  Kids at his age self regulate.  I even found Rachel, queen of the chaos, in the other room laying on the carpet in the fetal position because she needed a rest.  Adam has created a "angry birds" game out of blocks, so we have that ready if he needs a break too :)  In the meantime, Papi brought homemade guac, beans, and rice.  It is officially a party!  And life is good...

It's been a busy couple days with Uncle Jason's college friends in town from Maryland.  They have two boys, 7 and 4, and all the kids played together for almost 48 hours straight!  And I'm not talking video games and movies. Tag, rollercoaster, pirates, bike riding, ball games, you name it!  It was so fun to watch.  And we always have a great time when Steven and Allison are here :)  Not to mention the weather...  You can never convince me that October is warmer than June, but it always seems to be the case!  80 degrees today!  It was 65 degrees at Rachel's "waterslide" birthday in mid June.  Praise God for the sunshine.  I really think the activity and being outdoors is helping Adam rebound.  Party on!  

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