Thursday, August 15, 2013

We're Still Here

Time flies!  I can't believe it's been 8 months since my last post and update on Adam.  It's hard to find much to say because everything has been going smoothly as far as his health is concerned. Praise God!  It is difficult still to think that he was even sick or when we go to the clinic, that we are there for chemo treatments.  He is like any other kid - looks healthy, acts healthy.  Actually, he might even be in better shape because he is checked every month with a blood draw and physical exam.  We are in good hands.  This past appointment was the first real talks about "the end." Not the end of times!  The end of treatments.  Adam has 14 more months of chemo treatments (until Oct 2014).  After that he will go in for check ups and blood draws on a "weaning" schedule (every month for two years, then every three months, then yearly).  While he has won the battle on cancer, he is still getting treated to be independent of new blast cells forming (as in normal functioning without the chemo).  He is so close, it is exciting.

So, status update.  In June, Adam completed his first year in school and his first tee ball season.  Both were epic, of course.  Adam earned an almost perfect report card of "outstandings."  I am so proud of his hard work (and competitive nature) to do well.  In tee ball, he was  a strong player.  I am uploading a huge hit at the end of his season that he is so proud of (this is when the coaches started pitching instead of using the tee).  He had great coaches that made it a fun season, and he made some new friends too.

We are going into FIRST GRADE next week.  Rachel is starting KINDERGARTEN this year.  Can't believe I'll be a mom of school-aged kids.  I am too young for that, right?  It is, in my currently mournful state, the beginning of the end.  In other words, the beginning of my kids being independently functioning individuals.  In many ways this makes me sad, but I am also excited.  I learned a lot about Adam's character and personality when we went to school last year, and I know there is much more to witness, come alongside, and, maybe even, redirect.  I think Dr. Seuss puts it best, "Oh the places (they) will go."

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